Home Up Roster Photo Album


Jr. High

2001-02 Cheerleading Squad

Back Row: Marie Pruitt, Coach Dee Dee Wade, Emily Pickett
3rd Row: Danielle Lagesse, Charlotte Stein, Kate Lushington, Isabelle Carroll-Dickson Beth Azar, Lindsey Thomas
2nd Row: Ali Carnes, Ashely Gilbert, Jeannie Walker, Emily Harris, Joie Crawford
From Row: Captain Mandy Azar, Co-captain Melissa Reilly

The 2001-02 Squad had a very successful National Cheerleader Association camp at Auburn University this summer.  The girls received ___ Superior Ribbons for each evaluation.  The Superior ribbon is given to a team who displays strong technique and leads the crowd well.

The girls  received the Spirit Stick for spirit & enthusiasm three nights in a row, while taking into account attitude during classes, promptness cooperation, relationships with other squads and leadership.

They also won the motion award, champion chant award and received a bid to the National Cheerleader Association Cheerleading Competition in Dallas.

Mellissa Reilly received the camp Leadership Award.  

The following girls were nominated for All American Cheerleaders: Jeanie Walker, Mandy Azar, Melissa Reilly, Lindsey Thomas and Kate Lushington.  Mandy Azar was selected as an All American Cheerleader for the 4th year in a row.

Congratulations to all of the girls for a job will done!