2001-02 Cheerleading Squad
The 2001-02 Squad had a very successful National Cheerleader Association camp at Auburn University this summer. The girls received All Superior Ribbons for each evaluation. The Superior ribbon is given to a team who displays strong technique and leads the crowd well. They received the Stunt Smart Award for displaying excellent skills in spotting and stunt techniques. These girls are to be commended for their commitment to team safety. They received the Spirit Stick for spirit & enthusiasm during the day, while taking into account attitude during classes, promptness cooperation, relationships with other squads and leadership. The team also had three cheerleaders nominated for All American cheerleader (Kristen Sutton - 7th grade, Lauren Vercelli - 9th grade, and Angelette Lopes - 8th grade) and One received the honor of All American Cheerleader (Lauren Vercelli). |